Closed to People
​April 20 2025 Easter
July4th 2025
Sept 1 2025

OWNERS: Stephenie & Scott Vallie
Business Code

Member of the Huntsville
Ethical business directory
Where Dogs Get to Be Dogs!
Established: 1998
7:30 am - 1:00 pm
(Lunch Break)
3:00 pm-6:00 pm
9 am-1 pm 4:30 PM- 6 PM
By Appointment
DISCLAIMER: OUR "BUSINESS HOURS" are OUR "BUSINESS HOURS"... These hours have been carefully chosen to accommodate as many people as possible as well as allow for a reasonable workflow for our staff. Just as you would not go into a grocery store or hardware store and expect them to change their posted hours to accommodate you, please don't expect that of us either. WE ARE VERY FIRM ON THESE HOURS. We will consider only a true emergency outside of these hours on a case by case basis
You will need to plan all your drop offs and pick ups within the peramiters of these posted hours. Please also consider that you should consult our Holiday Calendar in case we are operating under alternate hours due to holidays and/or various other reasons.
** Business hours only refers to the times of day we are open to BOTH pets and people. Outside of our business hours we are closed to people, but still making sure your pets needs are well taken care of. Outside of posted business hours we will also not be available to answer the telephone. You may leave a message or text us and we will return your call as soon as possible. **